
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

First post on this blog thing...

Well, where to begin?


"Serbia... Where is that", you ask?
 Well, I will show you: Here is a map of the Balkans; I trust you can find it.
The Republic of Serbia, led by President Boris Tadic since 2004
77,474 square kilometers
Population of about 7,276,604 with roughly 1.115 million people in Belgrade, Serbia's capital city

"Cool! So why are you going?" 
 Good question, of course...the standard. Well, here's the short answer:
I graduated from George Fox University (Newberg, OR) this past December and have been accepted into their new Doctor of Physical Therapy program which will begin this August. Until then, however, I have a good chunk of time on my hands to take advantage of before the rigors of a professional program commence. When my mom and dad, who traveled to Serbia last summer, suggested I return there for some time this summer, my heart-switch was flipped on, and I jumped at the idea. So, I come; late June through early August.

"Wait...'return' mean you've been to Serbia before?"
Well, that's the long answer. I won't make it very long:

It was 2007. I was a Junior at Wilsonville High School--never really traveled much, nor did I have a particularly pressing interest in travel at the time. Through a number of God-painted circumstances at Rolling Hills Community Church (RHCC), my family and I were connected with this incredible family from Serbia:

 This is the Stanković family. From front to back, left to right:
Mio, Else, Robert, David, and Stefan.
Miodrag (Mio) passed to be with the Lord in paradise in 2009. I wish I could have gotten to know this rich man of God more.

Because the Evangelical church in Leskovac (here is a map for reference) had, and has, ties to Rolling Hills, RHCC was visited by Stefan and Else on occasion.

Quick tangent...David and Robert currently reside here in Pdx in a home they constructed (trust me, it's worth visiting). They are a joy to be around, and my family and I continue to build friendship with them.

Anyway, it just so happened that we met Stefan at RHCC during one of his visits, and a connection was forged instantly because my family was involved with the Operation Christmas Child ministry through Samaritan's Purse at the time.
This might look like a familiar sight to those who know what the ministry is:
Friendship was built with the Stanković family, dots were connected, and my family and I were set to travel to Serbia in January 2007 for the work of distributing shoebox gifts to children in surrounding villages. Needless to say, that we did. 

As a 17 year-old who had never ventured outside of The Land of the Free, I knew whatever sense of Americanized entitlement I had would be in for a bit of a smack-down. The degree to which, however....well it was almost funny.

In the words of our Rabboni, Jesus:

"The lamp of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" (Matthew 6:22-23)

As far as theology goes, I believe Jesus was talking about perspective. The lamp of the body is your perspective. The antagonism of light and dark--Heavenly perspective or worldly perspective.  We have great power in choice.

"What kind of perspective did you have, Tyler?"
Let's just say that introspection was required when people from gut-wrenching, head-turning levels of poverty had more radiant joy than I did. Hmmm, full of light...Jesus says.

Now, of course I could expound with anecdotes galore. I believe it would be worth posting a few photos from that experience all those years ago--something I'll do later.

This journal, however, is about what is to come. A trip like this is not to be taken flippantly. I am older now, and my lamp is brighter this time around.

"So, what will you be doing this time?"
As far as I know, I will be involved in helping with a youth camp through July, among other things. I have forgotten how much working with children brings me joy, and, oh yeah....PERSPECTIVE!

"What are you looking forward to the most?"

Here is a brief snippet from an email sent to me from Bata, one of the Serbian pastors whom I will be spending time with: 
"You are very welcome [to come visit] and we want to give to you the best that we have."

 Did you catch that?

"...we want to give you the best that we have."

How profound. What kind of people are these? Servants. These people know how to serve. They know how to be "least among you." That is what makes them so great in the eyes of the Father. They are wealthy with the things no currency can purchase. Their treasure is in heaven.

So, what am I looking forward to the most? Being one of them; being a servant. God blesses servants. This principle of old can be traced back to the days of Abram:

"And I will bless you, ...and so you shall be a blessing." (Genesis 12:2, God speaks to Abram)

I have been blessed mightily by God, and I am eager to return it. The fun is in the fact that blessings look like many things :)

That's all for now, friends. Many entries to come, pre-trip let alone the journey back to that beautiful country. Your prayers are appreciated, and they will be answered.       

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