
Monday, July 2, 2012

Here and There...Happenings in Leskovac

Saturday 6/30
I spent the afternoon walking around the neighborhood with Filip Stankovic. It was, believe it or not, a bit of a traipse down memory lane, since we visited some of the same territory as during our first visit in 2007, except last time it was freezing and there were no mosquitoes ;) 
Leskovac countryside
The crest of the hill overlooking town
Sunsets make anywhere look like a dream scape...
The area of town where Else's house is (where I'm staying) and where Filip lives as well
How refreshing! Small plums picked right off the tree!
Perhaps my favorite sight...a farmer tending his small flock of goats while the rolling hills yawn in the distance...

Sunday 7/1
The highlight for me was attending the Roma (Gypsy) service at the Leskovac Evangelical Church in the evening. How pure it was! What a joy to see a church body of such humble size lift their hands and voices as one to God, and to sit and listen intently to the teaching from the Scriptures. Plus, a child only 7 days old was dedicated to God...a precious sight!

I took several video recordings of the gathering from my phone, but they are too large of files to post here (not to mention all the other footage I've shot). Perhaps I will start a separate page for them...

I am sorry, but these snapshots will have to suffice for now:
Praise and worship with the Romas

Dedicating little Manuel (I believe that is his name...? :/ ) to God at 7 days old
 Monday 7/2

This afternoon Else, David, and I were invited over to Stanko (one of the elders at LEC) and Desa's (his wife) home for a meal. Not just any Serbian meal, mind you...but THIS:

Ummmm....yes please. That would be a roasted pig. Freshly slaughtered and cooked for today! What a feast!

A solid 45-50lbs of swine!
Come to papa! :)
Now, of course, nothing must go to waste! Here is the brain of Mr. Pig....and I ate part of it. Tasted like mashed potatoes...
...and the tongue...I ate that, too.
I also had a bit of the cheek (not the rear end...but as in mouth/ I had the tongue and cheek...and I say that tongue-in-cheek. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....lame), and the spinal cord, and an eye. Do not worry, my friends, nothing came back up! :)

 Well, tomorrow is supposed to be another scorcher, but hopefully Else and I will get to the market again. I am very grateful for the little box fan in my room :)

Peace and take care!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you pigged out didn't you, Tyler? Ha! Couldn't resist! I remember eating cow's tongue sandwich when I was growing up and it was good. Sometimes we just throw away what is good for us! We are having a nice day here, cool evening then rain in the morning, again. Sigh! Take care and God's blessings to ya!
