
Saturday, July 7, 2012

That's a wrap in Leskovac...for now

This past week in Leskovac has held a few memory-makers.

Last week I was asked to give a message (preach) at two church services at the Leskovac Evangelical Church--one on Wednesday evening at the Roma service, and one on Thursday at the Serbian service. I spent considerable time preparing for the message, since I wanted to speak what Jesus would say if He were standing in front of the congregation in the flesh.

I spoke on something that has captivated, stirred, and challenged me for some time now...over the past few years...and it continues to abide in my heart. Without typing everything I said, this is the gist of the message. It is a simple one, but in my humble young life, I am learning more and more just how much power is in simple messages told over and over again with freshness. It feels like pulling a book off the shelf that hasn't caught the eye of a reader in a while, and all that's needed is a good dusting off.

In the gospel according to John, we read:

"I assure you: The one who believes in Me will also do the works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in My name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in My name, I will do it."
-John 14:12-14 (Holman Standard)

Shortly after Jesus said these words to His disciples, he said:

"Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don't go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you."
-John 16:7 (HS)

The questions to ask? 

Is this how we live? Do we truly believe that Jesus expects us to do the works He did, and that it is for our benefit that He ascended to heaven? It was these questions that I addressed, and because of them expressed that desire and tug on my heart that I have felt for so long now.

I want to see the power of God at work in people because of the boldness of his followers.... that they would take leaps of faith and stand ready to be a conduit for Him to work signs and wonders through them. The apostle Paul writes in his first letter to the Corinthians:

"My speech and my proclamation were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and power, so that your faith might not be based on men's wisdom but on God's power."
-1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (HS)

I told the church of a struggle I have; a tendency to obsess over how well and comprehensively I can explain the gospel and Jesus and God to people. That the strength of what I say to people is dependent on how skillfully I deliver it, how much scripture I can use and explain, and how persuasive I can sound. 


What a destructive mindset. I only set myself up for failure (in my own eyes) if I constantly think like that. Frankly, I am tired of falling into that trap, and so more and more I have come to yearn for God doing what He does best through me so as to give a "demonstration of the Spirit and power", so that people's faith does not rest on "men's wisdom but on God's power."

I do hope the message came through clearly despite me needing a translator during the whole delivery :). I ended the word at each service with prayer over the people: healing for them, for friends, family, and neighbors, and that each individual would return to his home equipped to do the works of Jesus right there in their own neighborhoods. 

Praise be to Him forever and ever, amen.

Thursday evening after the Serbian gathering, I went with David, Zoran, and Stana (see the photo of them in the post Belgrade to Nis to Leskovac) to the home of their friends in Lebane, roughly 24km/15mi south of Leskovac. Their friends, Snezana and Slavisa, are pastors of the local church there.

Yet another incredible feast was prepared for us upon our arrival! This time it was homemade Mučkalica (Mooch-kuh-leetz-uh : a savory blend of meat, sauce, and spices), along with meat skewers, fresh vegetables, and bread.
Oh, how I will miss this when back in the states :)

Incredibly delicious Mučkalica

Friday morning I made the transition from staying with Else and David in Leskovac to staying with Bata and Sladja in Nis. I love the village feel of Leskovac, and Nis is where the city action is, so this is a nice pace change.

Saturday 7/7

My awesome Serbian friends and I went to a lake nearby Nis, where we spent the afternoon. It's been consistently in the 90s here, so cold water was a warm welcome (hehe...get it?....lame). A terrific afternoon that was full of swimming, merriment, paddle boats, and too much sun (showering....ouch!)

Bovan Lake

Paddle boats...portable diving boards :)

Marko (Bata's son) and Filip being men

L-R Filip, Marija, Kelly, Pedja, Petra, and...whoever that weird guy is ;)

Peace, friends.


  1. Hey Tyler!

    I'm so enjoying reading of your adventures - way to go my Brother! Please give my love to all my wonderful Serb & Roma Brothers and Sisters. I so long to return and be with them all again.
    Be blessed my friend, and continue to soak up all that the Lord has for you - and wants to do through you! In Christ's love - Monte

  2. We are LOVING reading everything you write. WOW. God is working through you...both for the Serbian and Roma people you are hanging with, but those of us back home who hear God's voice through you and your adventures! Man- love you so much bro!!
