
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Niš is where it's at now

Sunday 7/8

Sunday morning held another Spirit-filled gathering at LEC, and I am now accustomed to playing the hand drum with the worship team :). It's something I really look forward to now!

Sladja delivered a fantastic message from 1 Samuel, chapter 30 about David and his men defeating the we must take action when we hear direction from God, and not to just sit back and pray that He does everything when we snap our fingers:

"David asked the Lord: 'Should I pursue these raiders? Will I overtake them?' The LORD replied to him, 'Pursue them, for you will certainly overtake them and rescue the people.'"
1 Samuel 30:8 (HS)
She also spoke on the importance of each member of the church body--how no role should be scoffed at, marginalized, overlooked. Of the 600 men following David, 200 stayed behind to look after the supplies while the other 400 pursued the Amalekites and overtook them. The men with David grumbled after the victory and refused to share the plunder with the "useless 200". David replied:

"'The share of the one who goes into battle is to be the same as the one who stays with the supplies. They will share equally.' And it has been so from that day forward."
1 Samuel 30:24-25 (HS)
I love stories from the olden days.
Aleksandar Stevanovic, the awesome keyboardist...he also enjoys a good cup of coffee :)

Before the service...
That evening, Bata, Aleksandar (pictured above), Kelly, and I went to the Roma gathering in Nis. I got to see Rama, the pastor there, whom I remember from the first trip in '07. He remembered me as well...phew! :) I was also honored to play some worship music with them with the hand drum...oh I'll never grow tired of it!

I even managed to take an audio recording of one of the songs on my phone :) I have no way to post it online, but it's a treasure I will have with me when I return...and if anyone is interested I can send the file no problem.
Pastor Rama...sorry about the mic holder in his face... :/

Praise and worship with the Roma people
Inside the building

A couple of great guys I met: Martin (L) and Čerim (R)

Church entrance: powerful memories...
 If you feel led when going about your days, please lift up these congregations in prayer to the Lord, that He might equip His servants to be bold witnesses of His work, to extend the gospel to the people around where they live, and to strengthen each member daily with renewed fervor, joy, and all good fruit that comes from the Spirit.

Specifically, you can also pray that God would provide the LEC with a youth pastor in the future, as they will need one.

Monday 7/9

Marko and I spent a fun afternoon in downtown Nis, where he took me to some great stores for clothes shopping! Contrary to popular belief, I actually do enjoy a good outing for a few humble articles of clothes...especially for something unique :) Marko helped me find a couple pairs of shorts that are pretty popular, and a great shirt that reads "Ја Волим Србију" (I love Serbia) on the front. Photos later ;)
Town square...Nis

Nis Fortress...usually very busy. I remember this from the first visit.

Marko and I after bosses! :)

Peace, friends.

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