
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Roma time

Friday 7/20

I've been spending the week with Bojan and his family, and observing life within the Roma community here in Leskovac. Bojan took me to see the site where the aforementioned Multipurpose center will be built if the LEC obtains a license to begin construction. May this plot of land be blessed, and blessed again and again!

Dream big...

We then went to visit Miki and his family for a short time before we returned to the LEC for the Roma youth worship night. I've mentioned Miki before, but he is a part of the leadership team for the Roma church in Leskovac. He speaks English well and has a terrific singing voice :) No matter what is suggested for me to do next, Miki always says "unless Jesus comes back..." :)

"Perhaps next week you can come have a meal in my home...unless Jesus comes back."

Hahaha...I love it!
(L-R) Teresa, Matthew (2), Alex (5), and Miki

For the youth gathering, Kelly and I were assigned to be in charge of the whole time (of course) after the praise and worship time in the beginning. We were told about one week in advance, but both of us were ridiculously busy with people to see and things to do. Thursday (7/19) rolled around, and we had nothing prepared yet.........shameful.

So.....I hunkered down in the afternoon and churned up a script for a short drama we could use. I re-wrote the parable of the good Samaritan--with creative liberties ;). We got the script translated into Serbian by Friday morning plus a few printed copies, and that was that for preparation. Yes!

The youth meeting was absolutely phenomenal! The sketch was designed to include a good number of the youth to act out the parts, and it came together wonderfully! After that, I delivered a short teaching/message which led into a powerful time of prayer and more worship. It was an evening I will not forget.
The youth band preparing to rock!

New friends: (L-R) Peko, Bruno, and Bojan (Didn't catch the little dude's name)

Kelly documented the whole evening with photos (the sketch was recorded on video:), which she will post here on her blog (the rest of her blog is worth checking out,'s well made):

I also got to play some soccer with the Roma guys on Saturday 7/21...

 Peace, friends.

1 comment:

  1. Tyler...
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your experiences. It's been such a blessing to read and see how God is using you to love and serve the people of Serbia.
